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"Who Is This Man?"

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Beginning Day for Adults and University Students of Communion and Liberation. Mediolanum Forum, Assago (Milan), September 28, 2019.

Alive Means Present!

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Beginning Day for Adults and University Students of Communion and Liberation. Mediolanum Forum, Assago (Milan), September 29, 2018.

A Leap of Self-Awareness

Page OneJulián Carrón

Notes from Fr. Julián Carrón’s Synthesis at the Assembly for Leaders of Communion and Liberation in Italy. Pacengo di Lazise (Verona), March 11, 2018.


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Notes from the talks by Davide Prosperi and Julián Carrón at the Beginning Day for adults and university students of CL. Mediolanum Forum, Assago (Milan), September 30, 2017.

The Form of Witness

Page OneJulián Carrón

Notes from the Synthesis of Julián Carrón to the International Assembly of Leaders of Communion and Liberation. Cervinia, August 29, 2016.

An Original Presence

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Notes from Julián Carrón's address at the Assembly with the responsibles of Communion and Liberation in Italy. Pacengo di Lazise, Italy, February 27, 2016.

The Choice of Abraham and the Challenges of the Present

Page OneJulián Carrón, Joseph H.H. Weiler, and Monica Maggioni

Notes from the dialogue between Julián Carrón, Joseph H.H.Weiler, and Monica Maggioni at the Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples. Rimini,August 24, 2015.

The Fascination of An Unarmed Beauty

Page OneJulián Carrón

Notes from the Assembly with the Responsibles of Communion and Liberation in Italy Pacengo di Lazise (Verona), February 15, 2015.

I Am Nothing When You Are Not Present

Page OneDavide Prosperi and Julián Carrón

Notes from the talks by Davide Prosperi and Julián Carrón at the Beginning Day for adults and university students of CL. Mediolanum Forum, Milan (Italy), September 27, 2014.

Witnessing and Recounting

Page OneJulián Carrón

Notes from Fr. Julián Carrón’s Speech at the CL Regional Diaconia Milan, February 25, 2014.

How is a Presence Born

Page OneJulián Carrón

Notes from Fr. Julián Carrón’s Speech at the CL Regional Diaconia Milan, February 25, 2014.

“Ubi Fides, Ibi Libertas”

Page OneJulián Carrón

Notes from the Assembly of Responsibles of Communion and Liberation Pacengo di Lazise (Verona), Italy, March 3, 2013.

With The Audacity of Realism

Page OneJulián Carrón

Notes from the dialogue at the General Assembly of the Companionship of Works, Fiera Milano Congressi, Milan (Italy), November 25, 2012.

Life as Vocation

Page OneDavide Prosperi and Julián Carrón

Notes from the talks by Davide Prosperi and Julián Carrón at the Beginning Day for adults and university students of CL. Mediolanum Forum, Assago, Italy, September 29, 2012.

The Diversity of a Work

Page OneJulián Carrón

Notes from the Assembly of the “School of Works” for the Associates of the Companionship of Works. Milan, June 13, 2012.

With the Audacity of Reason

Page OneJulián Carrón

Notes from the dialogue at the General Assembly of the Companionship of Works, Fiera Milano Congressi, Milan, Italy.